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14 September 2012
Denver, Colorado


Board members present:  Virgil Lueth, Jean DeMouthe, Penny Williamson, Julian Gray, Anna Domitrovic

The meeting was called to order a 2:03 pm by president Virgil Lueth.  He went through the planned agenda for the general meeting and opened a discussion on the Tucson show and the SMMP program.  

Domitrovic reported that she is still working with Wells Fargo on the theft of funds from SMMP accounts.  There have been no useful responses from the bank, and AD will be withdrawing accounts from W.F.

No one has applied for the SMMP grant this year.

The membership could be asked to vote on whether to offer an honorarium to speakers at the SMMP meetings in Tucson.

Williamson brought up the issue of hot lights in the exhibit cases, suggesting that SMMP write a letter to the show committees at Tucson and Denver.

VL & others reported that there has been no improvement in communication with the Denver show committee, and nothing seems to have changed, despite SMMP efforts to work with them.  Our comments about replacing "meet the curator" with a series of short curator lectures was ignored.  Foreign museums still are not getting paperwork in time.

VL closed the meeting at 2:20 pm.


The meeting was called to order by president Virgil Lueth at 2:30 pm.  Introductions were made and people were encouraged to sign in on the circulating list.  

The Tucson 2012 meeting minutes were posted on line.  A vote was taken to approve the minutes as presented, and it was approved unanimously.

 Domitrovic gave the treasurer's report.  Combined checking, CD and savings accounts total $4,156.  She had a hard copy of the membership list, and she urged people to check their information and see if they have paid their dues.  The membership list will be culled before Tucson, and people not paying dues will be dropped.    

Collections Committee:  Lueth reported no changes since Tucson.  No responses came from letters sent.

Webmaster Kampf announced that there have been problems with the list server, and messages often appear to recipients as SPAM and are blocked.  They are working on fixing this.

Education Committee:  DeMouthe said that next year's Denver theme will be tourmaline.  She suggested a possible theme for Tucson 2013 of "fluorite diversity." 

SMMP Grant:  Lueth reported that no one had applied this year.  He also said that no new best practices articles have been received, and there are currently two on the web site.

Dunnell brought up the issue of possibly offering Tucson speakers at SMMP meetings an honorarium, particularly if they come from outside the mineral community.  It was reported that the board had approved this idea, and that the amount would be determined on an individual basis (honorarium vs. expenses).  A vote was taken and the motion was approved with no opposition or discussion.  Lueth offered to follow up and report to Dunnell.

Williamson asked if SMMP would write to Tucson and Denver about the lights in the display cases, because there is too much UV and heat at present.  We should ask for a change to LED or fluorescents.  This is particularly important for Tucson 2013, where the theme will be fluorite.  There was some discussion about people bringing their own light bulbs.

The San Diego museum asked for recommendations on collection management software.

Carl Francis reported that, since leaving Harvard, he has been working with the Maine Mineral and Gem Museum in downtown Bethel, Maine.  They estimate that they will open in the spring of 2013 in two renovated historical buildings.  Their displays will include local history, and they plan to display at the 2013 Denver show.

Williamson brought up the issue of poor communication with and within the Denver show committee.  Foreign exhibitors are not getting information in a timely manner, which makes it difficult, if not impossible, for them to get funding for travel.  Lueth reported that he had met with the show committee and sent a letter from SMMP last year, but nothing has changed.

Bruce Geller responded on behalf of the Denver committee, but said he is having the same problems as everyone else is.  Jim Hurlbut stated that this is not a one-person problem and that the show committee is indecisive and does not make decisions firmly in a timely manner.  Williamson said that museum exhibits are not appreciated by the show committee, who do not seem to realize the amount of work it takes to produce and travel with these displays.  Terry Huizing noted that Denver's lack of organization makes it hard to plan ahead. 

"Meet the curator" was discussed.  Jeff Post stated that no one likes being told they have to participate in this activity, particularly since it is viewed by most curators as a waste of their time.  The possibility of doing a series of short lectures instead was mentioned again.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:13 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
J.DeMouthe, SMMP secretary

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The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf