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18 September 2009
Denver, Colorado


Board members present:  Virgil Lueth, Jean DeMouthe, Jeff Post, Penny Williamson, Jamie Neuman, Bruce Geller

The meeting was called to order a 1:30 pm by president Virgil Lueth.  He went through the planned agenda for the general meeting and opened a discussion on the Tucson show and the SMMP program.

Domitrovic was unable to attend, but had sent a summary of the treasurer's report to VL.

DeMouthe said that the Tucson case in 2010 should be in keeping with the show theme of "gems & gem materials."  Suggestions were made for subjects, including "unusual & odd gemstones" or a case of "what is it?" specimens.

Geller said that the meet-and-greet sessions at the special exhibit cases were well-received and that they plan to do it again next year.

Several people mentioned that they had trouble getting information about the Denver show, and asked BG if notifications could be sent earlier.

Williamson displayed a new book on Australia megafauna.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:55 pm.



The meeting was called to order by president Virgil Lueth at 2:01 pm.  Introductions followed.   There were 31 people present, reprenting 22 institutions, from 9 different countries.

The minutes from the previous meeting in Tucson were read and approved unanimously.

Since Anna Domitrovic was not present, Lueth gave a brief treasurer's report and  reminded members about their dues and the web site.  He urged people to look at the membership list online to see if they have paid their dues.  The membership list will be culled before Tucson, and people not paying dues will be dropped.

Lueth announced that the collection manager job in mineralogy at Yale University is open, since Ellen Faller has retired.

He also mentioned the best practices series of articles, and asked for submissions or topic ideas.  There is a template on the web site.

There have been no submissions for the SMMP grant this year.

Peter Davidson reported that SMMP Europe and the IMA Museums Commission will meet on Oct 31 at the Munich show.

Terry Huizing reported that next year's (2010) Denver show theme will be Creede, Colorado, and not Russian minerals as previously thought.

Bruce Geller described the meet-and-greet going on at this show, and said the Denver Society was pleased with the public's reaction.   Several people had been asked at the last minute to give unscheduled talks on Saturday morning, which were not advertised.

Huizing suggested that there should be times set for meet-and-greet well in advance, so that people can make plans.  Discussion followed.

Penny Williamson showed the book on Australian megafauna.

Lueth asked whether people want to collect data on museum attendance and donations over the last five years to get a feel for how the economy is affecting various institutions.  He will remind everyone of this on the listerver.

Julian reported that the Tellus Museum reopened on 1/12/2009 with greatly expanded exhibits.  The Georgia State mineral collection, which dates from the 1890's, is now at Tellus.  It numbers about 4,000 specimens and includes many impressive specimens from the southeast.

Brian Jackson reported that the MM7 meeting will not be held at their museum in Edinburgh due to lack of funding and severe reductions in staff.

Jamie Neuman suggested that the program in Tucson consist of 10 to 15-minute talks on the display, care, and cutting of gemstones.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:40 pm.

Respectfully submitted,
J.DeMouthe, SMMP secretary

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Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf