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12 February 2009
Tucson, Arizona


Board members present:  Virgil Lueth, Anna Domitrovic, Tony Kampf, Penny Williamson, Jamie Newman, Jeffrey Post, Bruce Geller,  Jean DeMouthe             

2:03 pm called to order by president V. Lueth

VL went over the agenda for the general meeting.

Domitrovic presented the 12-month budget report.  The money market account interest dropped from 3.9% to 1.24%.   She also reviewed the membership records.  There are 46 paid members paid through 2008, 21 people who have paid for more than 4 years, 32 paid through 2011, and 58 people in arrears.  There are 159 names on the active roster.  Dues will be solicited and collected at the Munich meeting by Peter Davidson.

The Univ of Arizona mineral museum is supposed to close in May due to State budget cuts.  Shirley Wetmore will be writing a history of that museum.

DeMouthe said that the theme in Denver will again by fossils, and suggested that SMMP do a case on mineral pseudomorphs after fossils. 

The election:  terms are ending for Domitrovic, Newman, and Lueth.

Lueth reported that Mary Johnson is working on a Best Practices document on deaccessions.

Bruce Geller said he would summarize the M&M 6 meeting from Sept 2008 at the general meeting.  He also explained that the Denver show committee asked for greater participation from visiting curators.

Jeff Post stated that the funds offered by the Denver committee far exceed the actual costs of bringing an exhibit to the meeting.  Discussion followed.

A question was raised about the going rates for mineral analysis, and Lueth suggested that a general question should be posed to the SMMP listserver about that. 

Penny Williamson brought up the possibility of SMMP sponsoring a series of articles on mineral conservation, and inquired about grant money for this project.  No decision was reached.

The meeting was closed at 2:49 pm.



Meeting called to order at 3:06 pm by president Lueth.

Lueth welcomed members and guests, made introductions of the Board.  Introductions were made around the room.  He called for a vote on the Denver minutes, which was moved, seconded, and unanimously approved without corrections.

There were forty-one (41) people present, representing thirty-one (31) different institutions in seven countries.

Domitrovic gave the treasurer's report (attached).  The long-term accounts are not increasing as they had been, since interest rates are down significantly.  AD asked for dues, and presented a printed membership list for people to check for errors.  She also reported on the number of people paid (see board minutes).  Dues can now be paid using PayPal, and there is a link on the SMMP web site for this service.  You do not have to be a member of PayPal to make a payment.

Lueth reporting for the Collections Committee said that the Univ. of Arizona mineral museum would close on 5/31/2009 due to Arizona state budget cuts.

Bob Downs, curator of the U. of A. museum, said that a $300 million new facility is planned, but that all public facilities at the university are being closed to save money during the budget crisis.

George Harlow reported that the Philadelphia Academy is not selling the Vaux mineral collection, although most of their collection was liquidated.  He said that the new administration is planning for a new mineral display.

Richard Herd asked about meteorites at the U. of A. and was directed to talk to Bob Downs.  He also reported on the earth materials collection project of the Canadian Geological Survey.

Mary Johnson reported that the GIA collection is not in jeopardy, but that there have been lots of layoffs within that organization.  She also said she is working on a Best Practices document on deaccessioning practices.  Lueth and others remarked that this document will be read and approved by the board prior to being posted on the web site.

Jean DeMouthe, for the Education Committee, reported that the Denver theme in 2009 will be fossils and suggested that SMMP do a case on mineral pseudomorphs after fossils.

Penny Williamson reported that about 40 people came to the SMMP meeting at the Munich show in 2008, and most of them made brief presentations about their museums.

Bruce Geller reported on the success of the 2008 M&M 6 meeting at the Colorado School of Mines.  Eighty five people attended from 15 countries.

Richard Herd raised the question of the export of cultural property, including meteorites.  He stated that newly discovered meteorites must have export paperwork before they can leave Canada.

George Harlow brought up uncut diamonds, and how they must have a Kimberly certificate or other permit for export.  There are different sources of such certificates in different countries.  People should investigate the laws before visiting another country with plans for exporting or returning with specimens.

Tony Kampf reminded the group of the SMMP listserver and encouraged members to use it and the web site as resources.

Lueth & Geller conducted a discussion of how the Denver show committee has requested more participation by curators and others who bring exhibits and are compensated by the committee.  Short talks, being available for discussion with the public, and identification services were discussed.

A general election was held, and the Board remains unchanged.  Terms are from February to February, with elections always held at the Tucson meeting.  Board members' terms are for three years.

Virgil Lueth president 2009 - 2012
Jamie Newman vice president 2009 - 2012
Anna Domitrovic treasurer 2009 - 2012
Jean DeMouthe secretary 2007 - 2010
Tony Kampf board member, web master 2007 - 2010
Jeff Post board member 2007 - 2010
Bruce Geller board member 2008 - 2011
Terry Ottoway board member 2008 - 2011
Penny Williamson board member 2008 - 2011

The meeting was adjourned at 3:46 pm

The general annual meeting was followed by a program on  "Donating to Museums" with Alan Hart of the Natural History Museum in London the primary speaker.  Mineral collector Gail Spann also spoke.

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The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf