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17 September - Denver, Colorado

Board Meeting

Board members present:  Virgil Lueth, Tony Kampf, Terry Huizing, Dmitri Belakovski Paul Bartos, Michael Wise

Board members absent: Anna Domitrovic, Jean DeMouthe, George Harlow

The meeting was called to order at 1:35 by president Virgil Lueth.

Virgil Lueth distributed copies of the minutes from the Tucson meeting.

Virgil Lueth reported on the Collection Policy project. Six policies had been submitted. They will be posted to a website shortly. One respondent requested a copy of the current policies for development of their own.

The agenda for the meeting was to be modified because of the absence of the treasurer, Anna Domitrovic, due to an auto accident. The treasurers report and membership reports would not be given.

Guidelines for the new SMMP Collection Support Grant were discussed.

Virgil Lueth presented the education committee report in the absence of Jean DeMouthe. The educational case titled, Minerals named after famous mineralogists was well received. All participating museums were acknowledged. The consensus of the board was to continue the theme for the Tucson show.

Terry Huizing reported the SMMP program for Tucson would be presented by Jeff Scovil concerning his travel in China.

Tony Kampf discussed website activity.

Tony Kampf also describe the M&M4 meeting in Paris, France. In addition, the possibility of a US sponsored IMA Commission on Museums meeting was discussed.

The Board meeting was adjourned at 2:00 pm.


General Meeting

The meeting was called to order by president Virgil Lueth at 2:02 pm.  Introductions followed.   Twenty-six (26) members and guests were present.

Virgil Lueth distributed the minutes of the previous meeting. A number of corrections and additions were made. The minutes were approved with corrections.

The treasurers and membership reports were not given due to the absence of the Treasurer because of a car accident. Virgil Lueth gave a report on her condition and collected dues payments that will be conveyed to the treasurer when her condition improves.

The SMMP Grant Program was discussed. A number of criteria were outlined and include: 1. Grant must be sponsored by a SMMP member; 2. A final report is required; 3. Proposal review would be by the Board of Directors; 4. Maximum award amount would be set at $1000.00; 5. Application of grant money to work study programs should be allowed, 6. Funding for interns and equipment would be considered but the acquisition of specimens is not allowed.  Virgil Lueth would take this information and compile a guidelines document and present to the Board of Directors prior to the Tucson meeting for approval.

The Collections Policies Project was reported in the newsletter and reviewed at the meeting. Six policies have been received and four museums reported that they had no policy yet. A second call for policies was made at the meeting.

Virgil Lueth reported on the SMMP displays in the show (Minerals named after famous mineralogists). As usual the display was well received. The assembled group discussed other possible themes for Tucson but preferred to continue the display, with additions from other museums encouraged.

New Business:

Kirk Johnson, chief curator at the Denver Museum of Natural History and Science discussed the mineralogy curator position at the museum. The presentation began with a summary of Jack Murphys career especially his accomplishments and research. It was reported that Jack had just recently been given the title, curator emeritus. Dr. Logan Ivy is interim curator of the mineralogical collections. Dr. Johnson stated an ongoing commitment to the mineralogy collections and that the museum would conduct a nationwide search for a new curator. Questions as to whether the position would be full- or half-time and the specialization (mineralogy vs. petrology) were left open. Dr. Johnson stated the museum is still in the information gathering phase at this time.

Tony Kampf gave report on the M&M4 meeting in Paris that was well-attended. Five to six US curators attended and collected dues from our international colleagues on behalf of the SMMP.

Jeff Post indicated no proposal was forthcoming from a US host for the next meeting of the IMA Commission on Museums.

Dimitri Belakovskii reported the 2008 M&M meeting would be hosted in St. Petersburg, Russia.

Some members suggested establishing an curators discussion group on the web. Tony Kampf mentioned we already have a low tech list server that provides a platform for the society.

Collection policies will be posted shortly.

Peter Davidson mentioned that the informal gathering that is the SMMP Europe meeting will be held on Friday, 29 October, 2004, at 3:30 p.m. at the Munich show. Terry Huizing stated he would be in attendance and pick up dues for the Society.

It was announced that the National Museum of Scotland would be reducing the number of geological galleries from 3 to 1 this upcoming July.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 p.m.

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The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf