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DENVER, COLORADO:  September 9, 2003

Board Meeting

Board members present:  Anna Domitrovic, Virgil Lueth, Jean DeMouthe, Tony Kampf, Terry Huizing, Paul Bartos, Dmitri Belakovski board members absent:  George Harlow, Michael Wise

The meeting was called to order a 1:37 pm by president Virgil Lueth.

Anna Domitrovic gave the treasurers report, which is attached.  The money market account is yielding 1.32% interest, which is an increase from earlier this year.   VL said the treasurers report should be published in the newsletter at least once a year.

The agenda for the upcoming general meeting was discussed, members were designated to discuss certain items during that meeting.

AD would remind members about dues & urge them to check their information on the web site for accuracy.  There was a discussion of how foreign members could pay their dues, which would be continued in the general meeting. 

VL said that AGI has four committees needing representatives from SMMP, and the following suggestions were made:

            Education comm:  Susan Erikkson                

Government affairs comm:  Mike Wise

            AGI Council:  Virgil Lueth                            

            Environmental geosciences advisory comm:  no suggestions

JD, chair of the Education committee, reported that there will be two SMMP cases in Tucson for their 50th anniversary show. 

TH suggested the program consist of several speakers on the subject of gold fakes, one of whom could be Ed Raines.

VL reported on the situation at the Denver Natural History Museum, and will draft and send a letter to their Board of Trustees regarding the mineral collection.

TK suggested the group ask Pete Megaw about possible methods of transport for gold specimens coming to the Tucson show.

Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm. 

General Meeting

The meeting was called to order by president Virgil Lueth at 2:05 pm.  Introductions followed.   Nineteen members and guests were present.

The minutes from the previous meeting in Tucson were read and approved unanimously.

Anna Domitrovic gave the treasurers report and reminded members about their dues and the web site.

Tony Kampf led a discussion on foreign members and proposed the formation of SMMP Europe to facilitate payment of dues and the organization of non-US meetings.   A moratorium of a year or more on dues payment was suggested for all members, or for just foreign members.  Since SMMP expenses are minimal, this would not be a hardship, and would probably encourage more foreign members to join and participate in SMMP.   Jeff Post suggested making dues voluntary.

            VL stated that, before Tucson, the Board would discuss possible changes to the SMMP by-laws relative to dues.   Jeff Post pointed out that there should be some way to confirm a persons membership, if dues is eliminated.  Discussion followed.

VL described AGI committees and asked for members who would be willing to attend those meetings, if they were planning to go to GSA in Seattle in November.  There were no volunteers.

Jean DeMouthe reports on the Denver SMMP case, which was on gemstone fakes.  There will be two SMMP exhibits in Tucson:  gold fakes and gold from odd localities.

Terry Huizing proposed a program on gold fakes, with at least two speakers, one of whom should be Ed Raines.

Tony Kampf reported that Peter Megaw is working on getting secure storage set up for gold specimens before the Tucson show.  Wells Fargo has tentatively offered, as long as they can deliver the gold all at once using both an armored car and a stagecoach.  Information about this should appear in the Tucson show invitation, and if SMMP members have problems related to storage, they should contact Peter Megaw.

Jeff Post described how the USNM has items shipped to and from the Tucson Convention Center.

VL described the situation at the Denver Museum of Natural History, where mineralogist Jack Murphy was just laid off.  Peggy Ronning of the California Mining & Mineral Museum also reported that her job as curator of the State collection may be in jeopardy due to budget cuts. Bill Cook suggested that SMMP encourage Trustees at various institutions to endow mineral chairs to insure continuous care of important collections.

VL described the Natural Science Collection Alliance (formerly Assoc. of Systematic Collections) and asked for a volunteer to work with this group.  Mark Mauthner tentatively volunteered.

Questions were raised regarding the upcoming MM V meeting in Paris.  Andrew Sicree suggested that we ask for an MM meeting to be held in the U.S.  Jeff Post suggested that perhaps this could be done as a joint venture among Harvard, the American Museum, and the USNM.

Tony Kampf  reported that the Tucson Gem & Mineral Society has asked for suggestions of other museums that may want to participate in their show, but have not yet done so.  Penny Williamson stated that a lack of travel funds affects foreign museums ability to participate in U.S. shows.  Andrew Sicree suggested that perhaps one person could bring more than one exhibit, representing several institutions.

Dmitri Belakovski said that new data on minerals is now being published by the Russian Academy of Sciences, including new mineral descriptions, discussions of museum collections.  These publications are available through Rocks and Minerals. 

Penny W. asked if it would be possible to publish collection-related papers on the SMMP web site.  Mark Mauthner suggested that a database or list of pdf versions of papers already in print could be put on the web site (with publishers permission).  Tony Kampf suggested that any ideas should be sent to the Education Committee (Jean DeMouthe).

The meeting was adjourned at 2:54 pm.

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The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf