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DENVER:  September 13, 2002

Board Meeting

Secretary Lueth called the meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. M.H.F. Mauthner, V.W. Lueth, A.M. Domitrovic, J.F. DeMouthe, and M. A. Wise were present.

Financial Report: Anna Domitrovic, Treasurer, submitted a written financial report to the Board. A motion to accept the financial report as presented was passed.

Collections Committee: Virgil Lueth, chair of the collections committee, reported on the job posting in Cartersville, GA, recently added to the web site.

Computer Committee: No Report

Education Committee: Jean DeMouthe volunteered to act as Education chair and coordinate the case at Tucson.

Publications Committee: Jean DeMouthe, chair of the publications committee, reported that she received no response to a call for articles. She noted that most of our publications should focus on web site utilization. 

Stolen Specimens: no recent activity noted on our web site.

AGI Reports: K-12  Science Education Susan Erikson reported on a new AGI web page dedicated to K-12 education at the national level. Society Council Tony Kampf

 SMMP Europe: Anna Domitrovic read an email report provided by A. Kampf. Seven new members have been added.

 Other Business:

 Potential Workshop Topic: Specimen Classification: Terminology and definitions of what constitutes repair, restoration, enhancement. Originally suggested by Carl Francis and Brian Lees as a subject in which SMMP could lead discussion or set criteria.

 Potential SMMP sponsored project (M. Mauthner and Jack Murphy) mineral/gemstone web site for each state using public domain maps and museum specimens. Mark will have a demonstration at the general meeting.

 Secretary Lueth adjourned the meeting at 2:50.


General Membership Meeting

Secretary Lueth called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall of the Denver Merchandise Mart Expo Hall. The traditional introductions started the meeting.

Approval of the Minutes of the Last Meeting: A motion and second to approve the minutes from the last meeting as presented in the SMMP Newsletter passed.

Treasurers Report: Anna Domitorvic, Treasurer, submitted a written financial report to the meeting.

Committee Reports:

Computer Committee: no report.

Collections Committee: Virgil Lueth, chair of the collections committee, reported on the job posting in Cartersville, GA, recently added to the web site.

Education: Jean DeMouthe volunteered to act as Education chair and coordinate the case at Tucson. The title of the case will be mineral repairs and restorations.

Publications: Jean DeMouthe, chair of the publications committee, reported that she received no response to a call for articles. She noted that most of our publications should focus on web site utilization.

Stolen Specimens: no recent activity noted on our web site.

AGI Reports:

K-12  Science Education Susan Erikkson reported on a new AGI web page dedicated to K-12 education at the national level.

Society Council no report

SMMP Europe: Anna Domitrovic read an email report from the SMMP Europe group provided by A. Kampf. Seven new members have been added to the Societys roles.

Other Business:

1.       Potential Workshop Topic: Specimen Classification: Terminology and definitions of what constitutes repair, restoration, enhancement. Originally suggested by Carl Francis and Brian Lees as a subject in which SMMP could lead discussion or set criteria.  Extensive discussion ensued and the group agreed the topic would be a welcome topic for our workshop at the Tucson meeting.

2.       Potential SMMP sponsored project (M. Mauthner and Jack Murphy) mineral/gemstone web site for each state using public domain maps and museum specimens. Interactive maps of each state would augment the state mineral occurrence lists published in Rocks and Minerals. Mark provided a demonstration at the close of the general meeting.

A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jean DeMouthe and seconded by Anna Dometrovic. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 2:40.

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The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf