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Report on the joint
meeting of the Introduction This year's show marked the Golden Jubilee of the
Munich Show and the "Special Exhibition" or "Sonderausstellung"
had some wonderful material on display from both museums and private
collections across the globe. All the attendees of the meeting were given
a VIP Pass which as well as giving free access to the show also gave entry
to a special Bavarian Spiegel tent where everyone was well looked after
and entertained. This year also saw us in a new venue which was
appreciated by all the delegates. We are hopeful that this will be our
meeting room in years to come. Meeting Report After a short word of welcome from the IMA-CM
Secretary and European Coordinator of SMMP, Mr Peter Davidson, it was down
to business. As is normal at our meetings the SMMP business was dealt with
first after which the IMA-CM agenda was followed. SMMP
All members were reminded that they should check the SMMP website to see
if they are due to pay any subscriptions. Members were encouraged to use
the online payment facility (using PayPal) where possible but that the
Co-ordinator would be happy to take cash (€10 or $10) and this would
be handed over the Anna Domitrovic at the Tucson Show in February.
The SMMP website was still taking articles on
Practice in Museums"
from members. Members were particularly asked to consider articles on
de-accessioning registered museums specimens and the sort of procedures
that they are required to follow.
Members were also reminded that a grant of up to $1000 was still available
from SMMP to undertake research and study that address one or more of the
mission goals of the SMMP which include: a) to foster recognition of
mineral science collections as an essential, educational and cultural
resource, b) to promote support for the growth, maintenance and use of
collections and exhibitions and c) to advance museum practice through
co-operation in the development, review and dissemination of information.
All applications are welcome and will be assessed by the Board of
Directors of SMMP.
The SMMP exhibition case at the 2014 Tucson Mineral Show will have the
called or used as Diamonds".
Following on from her blog entry on the Opening of the MIM Museum in
Beirut (see
Eloise Gaillou of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County was
invited to give a short informal report of her visit. IMA-CM
The Secretary announced to the meeting that following a recent election,
Dr Federico Pezzotta of the Natural History Museum, Milan was duly elected
as Chairman of the IMA-CM, the runner-up was Dr Alan Hart of the Natural
History Museum, London was invited to become the Vice-chairman. This was
accepted. Federico than gave a short speech in which he thanked the
national representatives for this unexpected honour and in which he also
hoped to put into place new ideas and initiatives and to engage more
closely with the representatives to bring new life to the Commission. He
was drawing up plans or the coming years and hoped to have these firmed-up
in the new year. He also gave warm thanks to Lydie Touret, the former
Chairwoman for all her years of hard work and dedicated service.
The secretary moved onto the subject of National Representatives. Under
the constitution of the IMA, each of the affiliated national mineralogical
societies are entitled to nominate one representatives to serve on the
commissions of the IMA. The list that I have available was very
out-of-date and many of the names on the list were no longer
representatives for many reasons. I was endeavouring to contact each
member association to try and find out who the national representatives
are and to update my list. One of the problems is that when a
representative steps down, the Commission secretary is often not informed
of this change. In time I hope to send round a letter to all associations
to ask them to keep the Commission and the IMA up-to-date on any changes.
Giancarlo Parodi informed the meeting that he would now be the official
French representative and this was duly noted.
The host for the next Mineralogy and Museums will be taken at the IMA
Conference which is held in Johannesburg from 1st
5th September 2014. There is currently one firm bid on the
table but another is expected and as soon as possible, National
Representatives will be informed and a vote can be taken.
At the IMA 2014 Conference, a session has been organised which will deal
with Minerals and Museums under the general theme Minerals, Museums,
Culture and History. The closing date for the submission of abstracts is
February 28th 2014. Instructions for the submission can be
found at
The Secretary informed the meeting that he had now been granted access to
the IMA-CM website and any notifications and changes can be made through
him. The Secretary expressed his thanks to Tony Kampf for looking after
the website for all these years.
The IMA-CM still has responsibility for the Catalogue of Type Mineral
Specimens (CTMS) which can be accessed through the website. The feeling of
the meeting was that the IMA-CM should retain control of this and a way
will be sought to assure that the CTMS is continuously updated and that
any new data on existing type specimens can be added when available.
The Chairman expressed his desire to see new national curator groups
established along the lines of those run by Germany and Italy. The
Chairman felt that this would help to establish a stronger curatorial
community in the member states and help to keep each other and other
national groups through the IMA-CM informed. The Secretary would be
interested to know of others. The meeting also expressed a desire to bring
private museums and collections into much closer contact with the IMA-CM.
A strong interest was expressed by some delegates in setting up an
official SMMP/IMA display case at the Munich Show as happens at Tucson and
Denver (and possibly other shows). The Secretary agreed to contact the
Show administration to see if this was possible and at what cost. With
2014 designated at the UNESCO Year of Crystallography there may be a
ready-made theme already available. There are a number of exhibitions
planned to commemorate this special year. The University of Vienna, the
University of Padua
As soon as possible the officials of the Commission will publish a list of
possible new projects. The Commission is keen to see as many potential
projects, large and small, as possible. It may not be possible to run all
the projects, but we would be delighted to hear of all your new ideas.
The Secretary agreed to compile a report of this meeting and to issue it
to all delegates as soon as possible. The meeting closed at 5:00 pm. The secretary gave his
thanks to all those who attended and invited SMMP members and IMA
representatives to meet again at the 2014 Munich Show in October 2014.
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