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Collection Committee - Chair: Virgil W. Lueth
Purpose: Keeps track of orphan collections and curators; prepares correspondence on behalf of SMMP to institutions having orphaned collections or other collection-related problems

Computer Committee - Chair: Anthony R. Kampf
Purpose: Develops and maintains SMMP World Wide Web site; acts as a focus and resource group for SMMP members wanting to work with collections on the internet.

Education Committee - Chair: Leslie Moclock
Purpose: Prepares educational materials and organizes symposia, lectures and demonstrations for other professional groups and for the public

Publications Committee - Chair: vacant
Purpose: Coordinates the production and distribution of reports and other materials pertaining to SMMP projects.

Organization | | Membership | | Announcements | | Publications | | Mineral Museums | | Site Map | | Contact Us |

The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf

Organization | | Membership | | Announcements | | Publications | | Mineral Museums | | Site Map | | Contact Us |

The Society of Mineral Museum Professionals
Webmaster: Anthony R. Kampf